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Franklin Sidewalk Master Plan & Streetscape
SDS was hired by the Town of Franklin to develop an Implementati on Strategy for the Sidewalk Master Plan prepared by LandDesign
and CDM Smith in 2008-2009. The strategy served as the primary guide for capital improvements, maintenance and funding. This
informati on was documented and evaluated using a point system to establish a ranking of priority, ulti mately grouping improvement
segments into high, medium, and low categories. Based on the Implementati on Strategy fi ndings, The Town identi fi ed fi ve (5) initi al
streetscape improvement secti ons around their “Town Square” to implement. SDS provided a detailed inventory and fi eld verifi cati on
of existi ng conditi ons, constructi on documents, technical specifi cati ons, bid documents and preliminary esti mates of probable cost for
the fi ve (5) streetscape secti ons. SDS also coordinated with the Town Manager, Planning Director and NCDOT Division 14 for review and
funding scenarios. The project was approved by NCDOT for funding & implementati on and constructi on was completed in September